RF (Radio Frequency) Treatment for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

RF (Radio Frequency) Treatment for Snoring & Sleep Apnea


RF (Radio Frequency) treatment is a minimally invasive medical procedure used to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It involves the use of radiofrequency energy to shrink and stiffen the soft tissues in the back of the throat, specifically the soft palate and uvula, which can contribute to snoring and airway obstruction during sleep.

This procedure is done at GRAND GENESIS HEALTH clinic (in the Plastic Surgery Dep’t by ENT surgeon)

HF Treatment for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Here’s how the RF treatment for snoring typically works:



Before undergoing the procedure, patients are typically evaluated by an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist or sleep medicine physician to assess the severity of their snoring or sleep apnea and determine if they are suitable candidates for the treatment.



The RF treatment is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. A thin, flexible electrode is inserted into the soft tissues of the palate and uvula using a specialized device called a CelonProSleep® catheter.


HF Treatment for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Radiofrequency Ablation:

Once the electrode is in place, radiofrequency energy is delivered to the targeted tissues. The energy heats the tissues, causing controlled thermal injury and coagulation, which results in tissue contraction and stiffening over time.


Tissue Healing:

After the procedure, the treated tissues gradually heal and undergo remodeling, leading to a reduction in tissue volume and increased stiffness. This can help to reduce the vibration of the soft tissues during sleep, thereby reducing snoring and improving airflow in the upper airway.


Post-procedure Care:

Patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, or mild soreness in the throat following the procedure. Pain medications and oral rinses may be prescribed to help manage any discomfort. Most patients can resume normal activities within a few days after the procedure.


HF Treatment for Snoring and Sleep Apnea


Patients typically have follow-up appointments with their healthcare provider to monitor their progress and assess the effectiveness of the treatment. Additional treatments may be recommended based on individual response and ongoing symptoms.


It’s essential to note that while RF treatment can be effective for reducing snoring and improving sleep quality in some patients, it may not be suitable or effective for everyone.

The success of the treatment depends on factors such as the underlying cause of snoring, the severity of the condition, and individual patient characteristics. As with any medical procedure, potential risks and benefits should be discussed with a qualified healthcare provider before undergoing treatment.

Price: $2,000 (procedure) + $200 (Medical Supplies) + Tax


Click Here to book an appointment at Grand Genesis Health clinic.