What is snoring?
Snoring occurs when you can not pass air freely through your nose and throat during sleep. It causes the tissues around these organs to vibrate and produce the familiar sound of snoring. Those who snore usually have extra tissue in their nose and throat or the tissue in these areas is “loose” which causes it to vibrate. The position of your tongue can also prevent you from breathing comfortably. In this article, we will review the solutions to stop snoring and the causes and other issues about the snoring problems.
How to stop snoring?
Fortunately, there are many ways you can stop snoring. Just be patient, carefully examine the cause, and try various treatments. Of course, your snoring will not go away overnight, so stay tuned. With a little perseverance and support from those around you, you can overcome this unpleasant noise at night.
What causes snoring?
Have you ever sneezed one day because of an allergy and the next day because of a cold? So is snoring; In other words, the cause of all snoring is not the same and has different reasons. Whenever you can find out the exact cause of your snoring, you can find the right solution and sleep more comfortably and deeply.
When you reach middle age, your neck will become narrower and the elasticity of your ring muscle will decrease. Although you can’t stop your age from rising, making lifestyle changes, changing your bedtime routine, and doing throat-throat exercises can help you prevent snoring.
Being overweight or not
You need to lose weight to treat snoring
Adipose tissue and muscle flexibility cause snoring. Even if you are not overweight at all but have fat around your neck or throat, it may lead to snoring. Sometimes exercising and losing weight can be all you need to do to get rid of snoring.
Physical structure
Men have narrower airways than women and are therefore more likely to snore. Narrowing of the throat, cleft palate, enlarged lymphatic tissue, and other physical conditions that cause snoring are usually genetic. Although you can not interfere with your body structure and genetics, you can control your snoring by changing your lifestyle and changing your bedtime and doing the right exercises.
Nasal problems and sinusitis
Airway obstruction or nasal congestion makes it difficult to inhale and creates a vacuum in the throat that causes snoring.
Drinking alcohol, smoking and taking medicine
You need to quit smoking to treat snoring
Drinking alcohol, smoking, and certain medications, such as sedatives such as lorazepam (Ativan) and diazepam (Valium), can cause snoring by relaxing muscles.
Sleeping position
Lying flat on your back can cause the throat to sag and block the airways. Changing your sleeping position can be beneficial.
Diagnosing the cause of snoring helps you find the right treatment to stop snoring
Monitoring and examining snoring patterns and patterns usually helps to find the cause, what exacerbates it, and how it can be stopped. To identify the main pattern of your snoring, it is best to write down the conditions continuously each night. Your spouse can help you with this, too. If you sleep alone, you can use a camera to record your snoring.
How you snore determines why you snore
To treat snoring, find out how you snore
- If you snore with your mouth closed, it may indicate a problem with your tongue.
- If you snore with your mouth open, it may be related to the tissues in your throat.
- If you only snore while lying on your back, your snoring is probably mild and can be relieved by changing your sleep patterns and lifestyle.
- If you snore in any situation you sleep in, then the cause of your snoring is more critical and needs more extensive treatment.
Tips for treating snoring that you can use yourself
Today, there are so many weird tools for treating snoring on the market that is available to everyone and are increasing in number every day, so finding the right solution seems like a daunting task. Unfortunately, many of these tools have no scientific backing or stop you from snoring just by keeping you awake overnight. But some many techniques and solutions are scientifically proven and can help relieve your snoring. Not every treatment is suitable for everyone, so you may need to be patient, change your lifestyle, and be able to try different ways.
Treatments related to your bedtime
Change your sleeping position
If you raise your head a few inches, your breathing will be more simple, your tongue and jaw will move forward so smooth. Some pillows prevent the neck muscles from waving and can prevent snoring.
- Instead of lying on your back, lie on your side to sleep. You can stick a tennis ball on the waist of your comfortable pants or on the top of your shirt (you can sew a sock on the back or top of your clothes and put the tennis ball in it) so that whenever you spin on your waist, the discomfort caused by this ball will lead you to sideways. Come back. Or you can fill a pillow with a tennis ball and put it on your back, after a while, you will get used to sleeping on your side, you can put this pillow aside.
- Use toothpaste to treat storing these tools, which are similar to sports mouth guards, help keep your airways open by moving your jaw and tongue forward during sleep. Dental protectors that your dentist makes for you may be expensive, and there are cheaper kits available on the market.
- Cleaning the nasal passages If you have a runny nose, rinse your sinuses with saline solution before going to bed. Using sinus wash, nasal decongestant spray or nasal drops can also help you breathe more easily in your sleep. If you have allergies, keep household mites (microscopic organisms that cause allergic reactions) and pet hair out of your bedroom or use anti-allergy medications.
- Keep the air in your bedroom humid
Keep the bedroom air moist to treat snoring. Dry air can irritate the nasal and pharyngeal membranes, so if your problem is inflammation of the nasal tissues, a humidifier can be helpful.
Lifestyle changes that help stop snoring
- Weight loss
Losing even a very small amount of weight can reduce the fatty tissue in the back of the throat and reduce or even stop snoring. - Quit Smoking
If you are a smoker, you are more likely to snore. Smoking irritates the nasal and pharyngeal membranes, and this inflammation and swelling can block the airways and cause snoring. Although talking about quitting smoking is easier than trying to quit, it is an immediate cure for snoring. - Avoid alcohol, sleeping pills, and sedatives. Avoid sedatives to treat snoring
Alcohol and sleeping pills and sedatives relax the throat muscles and interfere with breathing. Talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking, as some of these medications can cause deep sleep and worsen snoring. - Be careful what you eat before bed; Research has shown that eating heavy meals or eating certain foods, such as dairy products or soy milk, just before bedtime can make snoring worse.
- Exercise
In general, exercise can reduce snoring, even if it does not cause weight loss. Because when you strengthen the various muscles of your body such as the arms, legs, and abdomen, you also lead to the strengthening and flexibility of your throat muscles and as a result, your snoring decreases. There are also special exercises that you can do to strengthen your throat muscles.
Six throat exercises to treat snoring
1-Sing to treat snoring
Studies show that pronouncing a series of vowels and twisting the tongue in a specific way strengthens the muscles in the upper respiratory tract, thus reducing snoring. The following exercises can be effective:
Repeat the vowels (a-e-i-o-u) aloud several times a day for 3 minutes each time.
2-Place the tip of your tongue behind the upper front teeth and pull the tongue back, doing this for 3 minutes every day.
3-Close your mouth and press your lips, hold for 30 seconds.
4-With your mouth open, move your jaw to the right and hold for 30 seconds, repeat for the left.
5-With your mouth open, contract the muscles behind your throat, repeating this movement for 30 seconds. Look in the mirror to see that the small tongue must go up and down.
6-There is also a fun exercise and that is to sing! Singing can increase the control of the throat muscles, strengthen the roof of the mouth, and reduce snoring caused by muscle relaxation.
Two weird ways to get rid of snoring | (anti-snoring)
Become a singer: It may seem strange at first glance, but according to recent research findings, singing is one way to treat snoring; So sing as much as you can. This strengthens the throat muscles.
Become a musician: Play wind instruments. Instruments such as the flute and reed, which strengthen the airways, have been shown to help increase respiratory power and ultimately improve and eliminate night snoring.
Some very strange and funny findings were published some time ago; Researchers have found that playing an ancient Australian wind instrument called a “Digrido” can relieve snoring. It is still unclear how researchers came up with the idea of studying this ancient and forgotten Australian instrument and discovering its amazing properties among so many different wind instruments. However, if you have this problem and other family members do not sleep well with you, it is not bad to try these two solutions. Of course, if you do not have the talent to play and sing, your snoring may be cured, but you create a new headache for the door and the neighbor 🙂
The use of mouthguards for athletes used in martial arts and boxing puts the tongue forward and in good condition.
You may be surprised, but orthodontic appliances also help relieve snoring because they change the connection between the tongue and the jaw, so the upper airways are in good condition and the snoring goes away. Of course, this method does not help people with sleep apnea or respiratory apnea.
See a specialist
If you have tried all the ways we have recommended but still do not get results and your snoring does not go away, see a specialist. Experts usually recommend one of the following ways after examinations:
Oxygen mask
Using an oxygen mask helps keep the oxygen pressure needed to breathe during sleep constantly. This will solve the breathing problems and snoring caused by it.
Different surgical methods are used to remove airway obstruction; For example, in a special surgical procedure using high-frequency radio waves, the soft tissues of the palate are reduced. By doing this, these parts do not prevent the passage of air and the snoring is eliminated.
New treatments
Laser therapies have been around for some time, but are still in the early stages of contracting, and researchers are studying the method.
Nasal Spray like ASONOR®
ASONOR® lubricates and softens the mucous membranes in the throat, whilst also slightly tightening the musculature in the throat. As a result, breathing becomes easy and unobstructed therefore prevents the dry mouth that many snorers complain about in the morning.
Read the other treatment here “Snoring: Causes & Solution”
When to see a doctor for snoring?
Be sure to consult your doctor if you have the following conditions:
– You wake up feeling suffocated.
– Your snoring has upset others.
– When you wake up, you do not feel refreshed.
– You are tired during the day.
– You wake up with a headache.
– You are gaining weight.
– You can not concentrate or memorize things.
– People around you realize that you can not breathe for a few seconds.
What if I do not treat snoring?
Snoring disrupts sleep and prevents comfortable sleep. In addition to the discomfort that snoring causes to oneself and others, if severe and not treated in the long run, it can cause physical problems such as sleep apnea or apnea.
This problem itself can cause serious damage to the lungs in the long run because it depletes the supply of oxygen and consequently reduces the volume of air that reaches the lungs. Of course, this is not the end of the story and the issue is long because the apnea can cause problems such as high blood pressure and resistance to treatment, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, lung failure, drowsiness due to sleep disturbances, decreased concentration and Decreased libido.
Do not consider snoring as a simple problem that only bothers others and does not allow them to sleep well some nights, because as mentioned, sometimes the story is more complicated than these words and should be paid more attention to.
ASONOR® is one of the simplest and cheapest solutions for treating snoring in some cases that are not due to critical reasons.