ASONOR®| Snore Stopper | Stop Snoring Nose to Throat Drop Solution Spray | Arreter de Ronfler



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  • Stop Snoring With Less Than A Dollar A Day
  • More than 1000 reviews on amazon
  • Asonor is a solution that acts in the throat to stop snoring. It comes as a nasal (nose to throat) spray to be used every night before sleep.
  • Effectively stop snoring with less than a dollar a day. Very convenient & easy to use – Since 2005 in Europe | Made in Denmark
  • Clinically proven anti snoring solution to be effective in 3 out of 4 users (75% success rate)
  • Safe to use in pregnant & nursing women and in children from the age of 7.

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Asonor®| Stop Snoring – Sleep Better

The Awarded Natural Anti Snoring Solution

  • What is Asonor? 

Asonor is a natural based solution clinically proven  to reduce or stop snoring in 3 out of 4 users (%75 success rate). The ingredients are Polysorbate, Glycerol, Sodium Chloride 0.9%, Edetatesodium,  and Potassium Sorbate 0.15% as preservative.

Health Canada considers Asonor a Natural Health Product with NPN 80042277.

  • How does it stop snoring?

Asonor removes the main cause of snoring. It lubricates and softens the mucous membrane and lightly tightens the musculature in the throat resulting to undisturbed breathing. Therefore, resulting in to no more vibrations and no more snoring.

Want to know more about snoring? Click here.

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  • Directions for use :

Every night, before bedtime this nasal spray should be used. It uses a specially designed nasal delivery system that places the solution at the back of the throat.

Tilt the head back, and pump 4 to 6 times in each nostril, until the solution can be felt at the throat.

In order to achieve the best results it is very important that the solution reaches and coats the mucous membrane of the throat.

In some cases, the desired immediate result is not achieved. However, we recommend that you use Asonor consistently until the desired effect is obtained, normally within two weeks. You should use Asonor every night and avoid drinking or eating after the use of Asonor.

Watch “HOW TO USE” Video:

One bottle (30 ml) is usually enough for month use.

      • Adverse effects: No adverse effects, therefore even pregnant women and children from the age 7 can use it.
      • Asonor does not contain any steroid or antihistamine, therefore no drowsiness.
      • Recommended for people with ordinary to heavy snoring.
      • Manufactured by: Tanner Medico | Denmark
      • For more information visit the website of the manufacturer, click here.
  • Helpful Tip: Turmeric added to a glass of warm milk before sleep is an old Natural home remedy for snoring. Drink the “Turmeric Milk”, then use your Asonor®  and enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep for yourself and your partner.

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